22 articles
How does your solution work?
Can I get a Demo of Equally AI?
What are your Supported Platforms
What is Equally AI browser compatibility?
What languages does the widget support?
How does Equally AI affect my site's performance?
Do we need to put in Alt tags and ARIA labels manually?
Why can’t AI do it all?
After implementing the code, how long does it take until my site becomes accessible?
How do I activate the Safe mode feature?
Why isn't Equally AI showing up on my site?
Is there anything the widget does not address?
Does my site have to be made accessible by you or do I have to do it?
I changed my website. Will it affect the code?
If I already had ALTs or did accessibility work, what should I do?
Where can I find my accessibility statement?
Will the changes made using the Equally AI widget be saved for future website visits?
Are cookies saved when the user utilizes the widget?
Can the widget support millions of views?
Duplicate ID error when installing the Widget
Are user preferences for the widget saved?
Does the widget have a screen reader?